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Beauty Tips

1. Eat Right. Hair is made of KERATIN which is a Protein, so do not skip the protein-packed lean meats, fish, eggs,  or beans.  Omega- 3 fats found in salmon, wlamuts, flaxseed oil and soybeans are also great for your hair!

2.Come Clean - If you are a styling product junkie you will want to get rid of the build-up in your hair. To do so, once a week use a clarifying shampoo or once a month try 1 Tablespoon  of Baking Soda to 2 Tablespoons of your shampoo to remove build-up. 

3.Condition Hair Often- Every time you shampoo you should condition!Avacado oil, shea butter and olive oil are all great ingredients to look for in your conditioner.

4.Practice Damange Control - Always use a heat resistant product on your hair before blow-drying and before straightening or any hot tool is applied to the hair. Make sure hair is also 100% dry before taking any hot tool to the head.  To further protect your hair, use a blowdryer with settings specific to your hair's texture and needs. 

5.Get Glossy-Make sure your shine serum is water soluable. Look for DIMETHICONOL  on the label NOT DIMENTHICONE "Dimethicone, the silicone polymer known for creating a glassy effect, doesn't rinse off easily if it's not in a water-soluble form. And if it builds up, it eventually dries out hair,"

6.Brush with the Best-Boar Bristle Brushes are the best!! Or Boar bristle with nylon. A pricey investment for shine but also helps prevent snags and breakage!!




1. Repair summer damage Too much sun and chlorine can damage your hair, a gloss will reverse the damage and repair it creating a better texture and deep condition the strands.

2.It isn't harsh or permanent A gloss is very acidic and closes the hair cuticle very tight, resulting in a smooth surface more capable of reflecting light. 

3.Provides translucent color and intense conditioning It works with the variation of tone and natural color that your hair already has and makes your hair shiny and smooth. 

4. You dont have to change your natural color- A clear gloss is the most beneficial  conditioning treatment for your strands and works by lowering the pH level of your hair

5.It can help tone down highlights-  If highlights are too brassy a gloss treatment can help tone down the brassy color and give the hair a nice smooth finish. 

6.Its a no-commitment change A gloss treatment will not interfere with any other chemical treatment you want to do in the future. And no commitment is necessary because you know it will fade out ( within 6 weeks) 

7.Its easy to maintain Sulfate-free products designed for color treated hair  are the best to maintain your color gloss treatment. 

8.Its in for Fall ! Jewel tones are in, if you are burnette go a rich honey or espresso brown. If you are a red head try a deep copper or auburn and if you are blonde shoot for a more golden tone!!! 



1. Leave hair-coloring to a professional Dont use at home hair coloring products. They are not specialized for your hair type or color and will damage your hair and not have consistant results.  You will end up in the salon for a correction which will end up costing you triple  over the price if you wouldve gone to a professional to being with ! :)

2. Dont cut your own bangs- Lets face it we are all guilty! When most women cut their own bangs they end up cutting them too short, too far back or too wide, making themselves look like an 8 year old girl ! 

3. Dont wash your hair every day! - Overwashing strips your hair of its natural oils that it needs Day old hair generally styles better and looks better than freshly washed hair ! If you feel you need to freshen up your locks between shampoos, try a dry shampoo! 

4.Do not apply your hot tools to your wet hair! - When rushing to get ready women tend to leave out this important step far too often.  Hair needs to be 100% dry before applying any hot- tool to your head!  Remember the video of the girl on youtube burning her hair off with the iron... thats because she skipped this simple step!

5. Throw away any products you own with alcohol or detergents in them! -  Check your labels folks! These products can be drying out your hair, stripping color and creating those frizzies we all hate! 

6. Waiting too long to trim your ends?  Trying to grow out those beautiful locks? They never will unless you get a trim on a regular basis, those dead ends need to go! Consult your stylist on how often you should be going for a trim to keep up on your style ! 



 Check out these blow-drying techniques !!!! 

New videos posted often and new tips as well!! 

Any questions always consult your stylist ... 

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